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VESTA eCO Series
Under VESTA eCO we summarize our Crosslinkers solutions for reduced CO2 emissions. More precisely we talk about VESTASOL® IP eCO, VESTAMIN® IPD eCO and VESTANAT® IPDI eCO. These solutions have a special focus on sustainability. VESTA eCO grades are based on renewable raw materials and offer a lower carbon footprint.
It stands for our vision to become more sustainable.
eCO = eliminating (fossil-based) CO2 footprint
In the first step, we are focusing on Acetone. Acetone has the single biggest impact on the GWP of our Isophorone based products. By swapping to renewable Acetone we can reduce the GWP of our Isophorone based products.
At this point of time, we are offering VESTASOL® IP eCO, VESTAMIN® IPD eCO and VESTANAT® IPDI eCO. In the future we could also offer any derivatives of these products as eCO products, if there is sufficient demand.
We would love to apply the VESTA eCO concept to these products. However, at this point of time we lack the necessary renewable raw materials.
At this point of time we are producing the VESTA eCO series in our production plants in Europe and the United States and we can ship from there globally. A production in China would be possible as soon as there is sufficient demand.
The new VESTA eCO series can be used as a drop-in solution without compromising well known performance. All products containing renewable resources are 1:1 chemically identical to their conventional equivalent.
If you are already buying VESTASOL® IP, VESTAMIN® IPD or VESTANAT® IPDI from us you don’t need a sample as the eCO version is 1:1 chemically identical with the virgin fossil based ones you have already been using. The difference lies in the certified use of renewable Acetone. Same processing, same formulation and properties and of course the same quality you are used to.
Renewable Acetone is currently more expensive than virgin fossil based standard Acetone and the market is still developing and very volatile. Due to this, the VESTA eCO series needs to come with an upcharge on your price for the standard VESTA products your are currently buying.
The upcharge will depend on the volumes you need and the time you are willing to commit. Based on this, your sales manager will come up with an individual offer.
This unavoidable increase more than pays off as it helps to open up new business opportunities:
- Door opener in ever greener markets
- Differentiation as competitive advantage
- Positive impact on company image
Renewable Feedstock
Renewable Acetone entails all carbon sources that avoid or substitute the use of any additional fossil carbon from the geosphere. Thus, having a lower carbon footprint than standard Acetone.
Renewable Acetone can come from various sources. ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) distinguishes between bio, bio-circular and circular feedstocks.
Bio based feedstocks are virgin agricultural raw materials like corn or straw.
Bio-circular refers to waste and residues of biological origin from agriculture, forestry and related industries including fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste (e.g. UCO, tall oil, food waste, etc.)
Circular (incl. technical-circular) means feedstock derived from the mechanical and/or chemical processing of recyclable materials of non-biological origin (fossil-based) (e.g. mixed plastic waste, waste textiles, end-of-life tires, etc.).
ISCC PLUS System Document (v3.2, 19 December 2019): https://www.iscc-system.org/process/iscc-documents-at-a-glance/iscc-system-documents/
Evonik is only sourcing certified renewable acetone via mass balance production. So, what applies to our VESTA eCO products also does apply to the renewable acetone we are sourcing. Currently, all mass balance renewable acetone is coming from reliable and approved long term Acetone suppliers. They produce the mass balance renewable acetone in their existing virgin fossil based large scale production units. And in many cases, the actual entry point for the mass balance raw materials is already the cracker level. From steam cracker to Acetone is a long and complex process with involves high temperature, high pressure and various distillation steps. Possible impurities in the renewable raw material will typically be purged during the production process in the same way as the impurities in the virgin fossil based raw material.
At this point of time, the total amount of renewable raw materials via mass balance in a multi million tons basic chemical industry is still small, but growing. Due to the extreme high dilution effect it is given that there is no sample available that you can test or analyze. Our discussions with several suppliers of this concept made clear that they are aware of such questions and pay extra attention on specification of the mass balanced products they deliver to us in the future.
Like with standard virgin fossil based Acetone the GWP for renewable Acetone varies depending on the used feedstock for the Acetone and the specific production process at a site. We are currently discussing with our suppliers to be provided with better data (life cycle analysis) for both standard virgin fossil and renewable acetone.
The Global Warming Potential is not the only criteria when choosing renewable Acetone.
We have decided to buy only renewable Acetone which is ISCC PLUS certified. ISCC PLUS follows sustainability principles like social responsibility, high ecological standards and strict compliance.
We are discussing with our suppliers further details of the value chain and the potential exclusion of certain feedstock for renewable Acetone. This is an ongoing process in the newly developing market for renewable Acetone.
The price is also a criteria.
In the end, we are making a well balanced sourcing decision based on all available information we have.
Mass Balance Production Process
Mass balance involves mixing virgin fossil and renewable raw materials into existing systems and production processes. The renewable amount is then allocated mathematically to specific products. The whole process is certified by an independent auditor to verify the use of renewable resources across all stages in production. Mass balance is a way to keep track of the renewable quantities throughout the process and to allocate them to specific products. It allows for large-scale production and enables cost-effective solutions.
The mass balance certification scheme is a well established chain of custody approach in the chemical industry and used by many leading companies in the chemical industry. It provides drop in solutions, using existing production plants. Thus, offering a cost effective and quick way towards a climate neutral industry.
If you are already buying VESTASOL® IP, VESTAMIN® IPD or VESTANAT® IPDI from us you don’t need a sample as the eCO version is 1:1 chemically identical with the virgin fossil based ones you have already been using. The difference lies in the certified use of renewable Acetone. Same processing, same formulation and properties and of course the same quality you are used to.
ISCC PLUS – Certification Scheme
ISCC (International Sustainability&Carbon Certification) is a globally leading certification system to address sustainability requirements for various feedstocks and markets. ISCC follows six sustainability criteria:
- Protection of biodiverse and carbon-rich areas
- Good agriculture practices
- Safe working conditions
- Compliance with human, labour and land rights
- Compliance with laws and international treaties
- Good management practices and continuous improvement
ISCC follows an open multi-stakeholder process including International associations, corporations, research institutions and NGOs from around the world.
ISCC PLUS is the certification scheme for industrial applications. It covers all all sustainable feedstocks, including agricultural and forestry biomass, biogenic wastes and residues, circular materials and renewables.
Find out more on ISCC under https://www.iscc-system.org/
If you are already buying VESTASOL® IP, VESTAMIN® IPD or VESTANAT® IPDI from us you don’t need a sample as the eCO version is 1:1 chemically identical with the virgin fossil based ones you have already been using. The difference lies in the certified use of renewable Acetone. Same processing, same formulation and properties and of course the same quality you are used to.
Get in touch to learn more about our breakthrough technology
For further information about our eCO solutions, please contact us.